

The usage of psychographic profiling tools will facilitate matching senior volunteers and migrants to create sustainable learning partnerships and will assess the learning needs of migrants. The identification of resource presentation models to be addressed by each tool and the development of 6 civic resources and 6 social integration resources.

As the project progresses, you will be able to find here the project's resources.

Are you a senior citizen who interested in supporting migrants integration?
By filling the Psychographic Profiling, you express your interest in volunteering and support the development of key civic and social competences within the established and growing migrant communities.

Η χρήση εργαλείων διαμόρφωσης ψυχογραφικού προφίλ θα διευκολύνει την αντιστοίχιση ηλικιωμένων εθελοντών και μεταναστών για τη δημιουργία βιώσιμων συνεργασιών μάθησης και θα αξιολογήσει τις μαθησιακές ανάγκες των μεταναστών. Κάθε εργαλείο θα προσδιορίζει τα μοντέλα παρουσίασης πόρων και θα αναπτύξει 6 πόρους πολιτικής και 6 πόρους κοινωνικής ένταξης.

Καθώς το έργο εξελίσσεται, θα μπορείτε να βρείτε τους πόρους του εδώ

Are you a senior citizen who interested in supporting migrants integration?
By filling the Psychographic Profiling, you express your interest in volunteering and support the development of key civic and social competences within the established and growing migrant communities.

O uso de ferramentas de perfil psicográfico facilitará a combinação de voluntários seniores e migrantes para criar parcerias de aprendizagem sustentáveis e avaliará as necessidades de aprendizagem dos migrantes. A identificação de modelos de apresentação de recursos a serem abordados por cada ferramenta e o desenvolvimento de 6 recursos cívicos e 6 recursos de integração social.

À medida que o projecto avança, poderá encontrar aqui os recursos do projecto.

Are you a senior citizen who interested in supporting migrants integration?
By filling the Psychographic Profiling, you express your interest in volunteering and support the development of key civic and social competences within the established and growing migrant communities.

L'uso di strumenti di profilazione psicografica faciliterà l'abbinamento di volontari senior e migranti per creare partenariati di apprendimento sostenibile e valuterà le esigenze di apprendimento dei migranti. L'identificazione di modelli di presentazione delle risorse che devono essere affrontati da ciascuno strumento e lo sviluppo di 6 risorse per le competenze civiche e 6 risorse per l’inclusione sociale.

Avanzamenti del progetto, qui potrai trovare le risorse del progetto.

Are you a senior citizen who interested in supporting migrants integration?
By filling the Psychographic Profiling, you express your interest in volunteering and support the development of key civic and social competences within the established and growing migrant communities.

Die Nutzung von psychographischen Profilinstrumenten soll die Vernetzung von älteren Ehrenamtlichen und MigrantInnen zur Entstehung von nachhaltigen Lernpartnerschaften fördern und dabei auch die Bildungsbedürfnisse von MigrantInnen erfassen. Dadurch werden ressourcenorientierte Modelle durch die einzelne Instrumente angesprochen und die Entwicklung von 6 zivilen (BürgerInnen-) Kompetenzen sowie 6 sozialen Integrationsressourcen gefördert.

Im Verlauf des Projektes werden diese Ressourcen hier präsentiert.

Are you a senior citizen who interested in supporting migrants integration?
By filling the Psychographic Profiling, you express your interest in volunteering and support the development of key civic and social competences within the established and growing migrant communities.

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